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My Favorite Things

This section of my blog will be devoted to my absolute all-time favorite purchases. Some include affiliate links (at no additional cost to you), and most are just my personal lifesavers that I think you should know about. Below is a quick description of each of the categories:

  • Playtime: our favorite toys and games for children by age range

  • On the Bookshelf: book recommendations for kids and adults

  • Teaching Resources: materials and tools I have found to be most effective to teach children, whether it is one child at home or 25 students in a class

  • Lifesavers: the things that blow my mind and make my day that everyone needs

  • Around the House: useful things I think will make your daily life easier too

  • Fashion and Beauty: I might not look like it, but I do extensive research in my beauty products. These are the fabulous finds that make me feel good about myself (or get me the most compliments)

  • Warm Fuzzies: This is the hodge podge of stuff that might not be the most practical or popular, but they make me smile

  • Happy Place: These are the places I feel thankful to have experienced that I want to tell everyone about


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Hi! I'm Erin

This blog is a digital scrapbook of my adventures in modern parenting. I am a mother of two and former teacher sharing my  favorite resources and lessons learned because I believe parenting is easier with a village, and no one has time to reinvent the wheel.  

Click here to learn more about me!

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