I always pictured myself as a working parent. In college, I graduated early, so that I could get started on building my career in the entertainment industry. I had demanding bosses in the best way, who instilled in me a perfectionist work ethic and inspired me to aim high. Along the way, I shifted gears and decided to go into teaching. Determined to understand this new craft, I went to graduate school to get my master’s in Education and teacher training. I earned a Multiple Subjects teaching credential to teach elementary school, Mathematics teaching credential to teach middle and high school, and even an Early Childhood site supervisor and teaching permit to have the option of working in preschools. I was ready to pursue my new career.
But then life had a different plan. After a few years of teaching, my new full-time job became being a stay at home parent. I would be lying if I said it hasn’t been (and still is) an incredibly hard adjustment. I realized something my workaholic brain needed to do was to approach this like a traditional job. I researched every topic ad nauseam and took additional classes ranging from baby massages to supporting the whole-brain child. I organized weekly play dates with sensory exploration and play opportunities for the littles, and materials and informational resources for the parents. I scrounged the Internet for things I thought would make my life as a parent easier, and if I couldn’t find it, I tried to make it. Friends helped me realize my work background and personal experiences gave me a particular set of knowledge, insights, and skills that might be helpful to other parents. So here we are today. I don’t presume to be an expert for any of this, and I know what works for me may not work for you. However, I also believe there is no need to reinvent the wheel. If sharing what I’ve learned or a resource I’ve created can save another fellow parent some time and stress, then I am happy to do it.
To be honest, I don’t quite know what Erin Tries Parenting will be about, but I’m both excited and nervous that it puts me outside of my introverted comfort zone. It will be me sharing how I try to get my sh!t together at home, while trying to figure out how to start a business, while trying to maintain some element of a social life, while trying to be a passable version of the mother I want to be. In short, it will be me trying. Please know I am very much learning as I go, and I’m sure my journey will be filled with mistakes. I am happy to admit that what I share on social media will usually be an edited final product. So please, haters keep walking. Everyone else, I invite you to join me in my journey! I’m not quite sure where I’m going to go with all of this, but I feel ready to get there!